1e 2b 3a 4d 5c
1 a country lane
2 pouring rain
3 to turn the key
4 wrinkled cheeks
5 to take a sip of coffee
6 china cups
7 he introduced himself
8 a crash of thunder
9 lightning flashed
10 to ring the bell
1 broke out
2 break up
3 broke down
4 broke into
1 creaked
2 crackling
3 whispered
4 glanced
5 stared
1 out
2 to
3 to
4 in
5 at,in
6 with
7 in
8 of
1 she had been crying.
2 He had been working in the hardly.
3 He had been falling in the river.
4 He had been tired.
5 He had been running.
6 She had been cold.
1 had got, prepared
2 took, had worked
3 was, had ever seen
4 entered, had noticed, drew
5 had finished, called
6 had arrived, left
7 had been traveling, decided
8 was, had turned on
1 as 2 as soon as 3 until 4 before 5 seconds later 6 a few hours late
1 apply for
2 retire
3 pensioner
4 teased
5 promotion
6 employees
7 seeking
1c 2d 3b 4a
1 will
2 am going to
3 will
4 am going to
5 will
1After we sit our exams, we will go on holiday.
2 I will ring you when i get to the airport.
3 By the time I retire, I will be very rich.
4 If your parents will come, give them this letter, please.
5 when will you know your holiday dates?
6 Turn off the lights before you go to bed.
7 Buy me a newspaper when you go out please.
If I get a promotion , I will buy a new car.
If I get a promotion, I will go on a cruise.
If I get a promotion, I will move to a bigger house.
If I get a promotion, I will buy some new clothes.
If I get a promotion , I will have a party.
1 unless-e
2 if-a
3 unless-d
4 unless-c
5 if-f
6 if-b
1 If i run into traffic I will be late my work.
2 If i don't pass my exams , I will be work.
1 to give
2 to commit
3 to end
4 a military
5 a supernatural
6 lost
7 to ride
8 to rush
9 royal
10 to spare
1 realize
2 drop
3 hear
4 fell
5 listen
6 understand
1 said
2 told
3 told
4 said
1 The doctor that he had been seeing patients all morning.
2 The boy told his mother he had forgot to walk the dog.
3 Graig told his wife he wouldn't go out tonight.
4 The man told that he was looking for a new job.
5 He told me he had just finished his homework.
6 The boss told had he need another secretary.
1 What you want to eat? Fred asked.
2 His friend is waiting for him Ann said to Frank.
3 I have paid the bill the mr Jones said.
4 I haven't bought a new dress yet Helen said to Janet.
5 Would you help me with my homework? Sue asked.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Unit 21
Орчин үеийн Оддын дайны 20 жилийг зохиоход найруулагч Жорж Лукас эцэст нь өөрийнхөө төлөвлөснөөрөө киногоо бүтээсэн. Тэр үргэлж Оддын дайн, The Empire strikes back and Жэди Буцсан нь гэсэн 3 эхт зохиолоо хэзээ ч өөрийн бодсон шиг сайн байгаагүй гэдэг байсан. Кинонуудаа видеогоор хэдэн жил үзээд та энэ гайхамшигтай сансрын сонирхолтой үйл явдлыг сэтгэл догдлом дуутайгаар кино театрт үзэж чадахаар боллоо.
Энэ 3 эхт зохиол нь сайн муугийн хоорондох тулааны сонгодог үлгэр. Хэдийгээр дэлхий дээр биш урт удаан хугацааны өмнөх алсын алсад байх сансар огторгуйд тохиолдсон явдал. Кинонд зөвхөн хүн биш заримдаа маш гайхалтай робот болон харь гаригийнхан байдаг. Зохиолын баатрууд гэвэл дэлхийг захирахыг хүсдэг муу талын удирдагч Дарк Ватертай-Луик Скайволкер, Хан Соло мөн Лиа гүнж нар хамтран тулалддаг.
Харрисан Форд, Кэрри Фишэр, Алек Гуйнес мөн Марк Хамил нар нь сайн дүрийг бүтээж тоглосон ч онцгой бүтээлүүд нь ямар ч жүжигчнээс илүү гол дүрд тоглосон. Кинонд гайхалтай хачин тулалдаан гардаг ба аварга роботууд лазеран зэвсгээр тулалддаг.
Магадгүй танд энд тэндгүй байлдах машинуудын санаанд оромгүй хөөцөлдөөн таалагдах болно. Түүнчлэн та өмнө нь хэзээ ч харж байгаагүй тэр чигээрээ үнэмшилтэй харь гаригийн нутгийн бүтээлүүдийг үзээд гайхах болно.
Жорж Лукас хэлэхдээ: Би анхны Оддын дайныг бичихэд орчин үеийн үлгэрийг бүтээж байгаадаа үнэхээр баяртай байсан. Грекийн домог, эсвэл өөр ямар нэг улсын домог нь ихэвчлэн тодорхойгүй газар тохиолддог харин бид одоо гаднах сансар шиг газартай болсон. Энэ гайхалтай зохиолоор Лукас бидний хэзээ ч мартахааргүй үлгэрийг бүтээж байгаа юм. Анхны кинонуудыг нь үзэж байсан бол та гарцаагүй Лукасын үнэхээр хүссэн шиг зохиолыг үзэх болно.
Энэ 3 эхт зохиол нь сайн муугийн хоорондох тулааны сонгодог үлгэр. Хэдийгээр дэлхий дээр биш урт удаан хугацааны өмнөх алсын алсад байх сансар огторгуйд тохиолдсон явдал. Кинонд зөвхөн хүн биш заримдаа маш гайхалтай робот болон харь гаригийнхан байдаг. Зохиолын баатрууд гэвэл дэлхийг захирахыг хүсдэг муу талын удирдагч Дарк Ватертай-Луик Скайволкер, Хан Соло мөн Лиа гүнж нар хамтран тулалддаг.
Харрисан Форд, Кэрри Фишэр, Алек Гуйнес мөн Марк Хамил нар нь сайн дүрийг бүтээж тоглосон ч онцгой бүтээлүүд нь ямар ч жүжигчнээс илүү гол дүрд тоглосон. Кинонд гайхалтай хачин тулалдаан гардаг ба аварга роботууд лазеран зэвсгээр тулалддаг.
Магадгүй танд энд тэндгүй байлдах машинуудын санаанд оромгүй хөөцөлдөөн таалагдах болно. Түүнчлэн та өмнө нь хэзээ ч харж байгаагүй тэр чигээрээ үнэмшилтэй харь гаригийн нутгийн бүтээлүүдийг үзээд гайхах болно.
Жорж Лукас хэлэхдээ: Би анхны Оддын дайныг бичихэд орчин үеийн үлгэрийг бүтээж байгаадаа үнэхээр баяртай байсан. Грекийн домог, эсвэл өөр ямар нэг улсын домог нь ихэвчлэн тодорхойгүй газар тохиолддог харин бид одоо гаднах сансар шиг газартай болсон. Энэ гайхалтай зохиолоор Лукас бидний хэзээ ч мартахааргүй үлгэрийг бүтээж байгаа юм. Анхны кинонуудыг нь үзэж байсан бол та гарцаагүй Лукасын үнэхээр хүссэн шиг зохиолыг үзэх болно.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Unit 6
1. thick forest 6.a dark cave
2. sharp claws 7.to be fast asleep
3. to make growling noises 8.to start a fire
4. to scream for help 9. to pick fruit
5. to run away in fear 10. to work on an experiment
1.had already started
2.had shown
3.had been traveling
4.had been typing
5.had saved
6.had been practicing
7.had been looking
8.had left
must=have to
mustn`t=don`t have to
are not allowed to=needn`t
Museum:1.You .mustn`t take photos
2.You .must buy a guidebook
3.You needn`t leave your bags at the door
4.You mustn`t touch the exhibits
Hotel: 1.You mustn`t disturb the other guests
2.You must leave the room by 12:00
3.You needn`t tidy your room
4.You .mustn`t leave any valuable in the room
Hippos are bigger teeth than giraffes.
Hippos are bigger mouth than giraffes.
Hippos are as heavy as giraffes.
Giraffes are longer neck than hippos.
Giraffes are taller than hippos.
Hippos are fatter than giraffes.
Giraffes are run faster than hippos.
Hippos are more dangerous than giraffes.
1. thick forest 6.a dark cave
2. sharp claws 7.to be fast asleep
3. to make growling noises 8.to start a fire
4. to scream for help 9. to pick fruit
5. to run away in fear 10. to work on an experiment
1.had already started
2.had shown
3.had been traveling
4.had been typing
5.had saved
6.had been practicing
7.had been looking
8.had left
must=have to
mustn`t=don`t have to
are not allowed to=needn`t
Museum:1.You .mustn`t take photos
2.You .must buy a guidebook
3.You needn`t leave your bags at the door
4.You mustn`t touch the exhibits
Hotel: 1.You mustn`t disturb the other guests
2.You must leave the room by 12:00
3.You needn`t tidy your room
4.You .mustn`t leave any valuable in the room
Hippos are bigger teeth than giraffes.
Hippos are bigger mouth than giraffes.
Hippos are as heavy as giraffes.
Giraffes are longer neck than hippos.
Giraffes are taller than hippos.
Hippos are fatter than giraffes.
Giraffes are run faster than hippos.
Hippos are more dangerous than giraffes.
2.She lives in a big house which is near the park
3.Stewen is a lawyer whose office is in Baker street
4.Claire is a model who has been in many fashion shows
5.Sarah is wearing a nice dress which fits her perfectly
1. A shark is an animal which lives in the sea
2. A bricklayer is someone who builds with bricks
3. A nurse is someone who helps sickpeople
4. A washing machine is a thing which washes clothes
5. A waiter is someone who serves food
6. A camera is thing which takes photos
7. A vacuum cleaner is a machine which cleans window
1. succesful
2. beautiful
3. humorous
4. glamorous
5. interesting
6. talented
Unit 3
* exotic place
* fabulous hotel
* lovely guest-house
* marvelous camp-site
* the weather
* incredible Minoan Palace
* gorgeous sandy beaches
* traditional food
* ancient city
* amazing underwater cave
* wonderful island
1. horrible
2. lousy
3. cloudy
4. dirty
5. crowded
6. filths
7. unfriendly
8. disgusting
9. awful
a.hot and sunny
b.snowy and sunny
b.snowy and freezing
1. take
2. do
3. have
4. go
5. do
6. go
1. b
2. a
# take
# do
3. d
4. c
5. f
6. e
1. While she was having lunch someone stole her camera
2. He is dirty.He has been repairing cars since morning
3. He is sunburnt.He has been lying in the sun for hours
4. While they were exploring a cave a shark appeared
5. While she was skiing she broke her leg
6. She is tired.She has been working since morning
1. ago
2. for
3. ever
4. never
5. since
6. already
7. yet
8. while
9. when
10. so far
* We haven't gone fishing since last summer
* It's the first time she has eaten Chinese food
* How long is it since he went to Naples?
* We haven't eaten out for a long time
* He hasn;t been to Delhi for 5years
# 'm writing
# came
# are staying
# has been
# have been doing
# have already been
# take
# haven't been
# tried
# was
# was
# were enjoying
* beautiful - ugly
* delicious - tasteless
* fresh -stale
* exciting -dull
* dry- wet
* northern-southern
1. fishing boats
2. palm trees
3. traditional dances
4. cable cars
5. golden beaches
6. a short drive
7. steep roads
8. street actors
1. small-tiny
2. big-huge
3. good -perfect
4. nice -fantastic
5. good -delicious
6. nice -gorgeous
7. nice-colourful
8. good -fantastic
1. see
2. watch
3. look
4. bring
5. take
1. over
2. after
3. out of
4. into
1. on the
A. 1.straw umbrellas
2.bright sun
3.blue sea
4.crashing wakes
5.smell of suntan oil
B. 1.tall green trees
2.leaev rustling
3.birds chirping
4.smell of wet soil
1. false
2. true
3. false
4. false
5. false
6. true
7. true
* You really ought to go black Rock Beach as it is perfect for wind surfing
* Strongly advise you not to swim at sunset Beach as the water as deep
* Te best thing you can do is to go to the island in september as it is less crowded
* It is worth going to cairo as there are many things to see
Unit 5
A .moonlit,moonless,dark,clear,sky,
calm ,stormy,dark,clear,cloudless,
moonlit ,calm, stormy, dark, clear sea
B.snowy,steep,crowded,narrow, empty street
noisy, expensive, empty restaurant
noisy,crowded,narrow, empty, sandy, beach
snowy,steep , tree-covered mountain
pic A- scared,terrifed, frightened,
pic B- annoyed ,angry ,furious
pic C- glad ,thrilled,pleased,delighted
pic D- sad, miserable , depressed
1. frightened
2. bored
3. emberassed
4. surprised
5. miserable
6. nervous
7. angry
8. happy
1. The sun was shining and the birds were singing
2. Bill was watching tv as his wife was getting dressed
3. I was having a bath when my doorball rang
4. I heard a noise in the garden so i went to see what it was
5. He went to bed early last night because he was very tried
A 1.was looking
3.were running
6.were walking
8. realised
9.were starting
B 1.was raining
2.was blowing
3.was walking
7.were getting
C was working
2.was digging
1. He was running fast carrying a big box
2. They were standing at the edge of the cliff admiring the view
3. Ti was watching tv eat
# Bill was watching tv as his wife was getting dressed
# I was having a bath w
3. ating his supper
1.sailing 4.helping 7.crashing
2.enjoying 5.sitiing 8.making
3.blowing 6.talking 9.trying
exercise 13
1.was 5.reached 9.turned
2.was raining 6.had 10.saw
3.was walking 7.seem 11.was wearing
4.were running 8.felt 12.wasi 4.were running 8.felt 12.was
1b The writer sets the scene by describing the weather .He ends the story with a
sudden event and leaaves the reader in suspence
Direct speech: "They've found me "."I can;t get away now" "Oh ,no" This can't be true
2a The writer uses the senses in order to set scene and end the story.He also uses direct speeech
Direct speech : "I don't want to die " "Don;t worry ! Everything will be on "
2.She lives in a big house which is near the park
3.Stewen is a lawyer whose office is in Baker street
4.Claire is a model who has been in many fashion shows
5.Sarah is wearing a nice dress which fits her perfectly
1. A shark is an animal which lives in the sea
2. A bricklayer is someone who builds with bricks
3. A nurse is someone who helps sickpeople
4. A washing machine is a thing which washes clothes
5. A waiter is someone who serves food
6. A camera is thing which takes photos
7. A vacuum cleaner is a machine which cleans window
1. succesful
2. beautiful
3. humorous
4. glamorous
5. interesting
6. talented
Unit 3
* exotic place
* fabulous hotel
* lovely guest-house
* marvelous camp-site
* the weather
* incredible Minoan Palace
* gorgeous sandy beaches
* traditional food
* ancient city
* amazing underwater cave
* wonderful island
1. horrible
2. lousy
3. cloudy
4. dirty
5. crowded
6. filths
7. unfriendly
8. disgusting
9. awful
a.hot and sunny
b.snowy and sunny
b.snowy and freezing
1. take
2. do
3. have
4. go
5. do
6. go
1. b
2. a
# take
# do
3. d
4. c
5. f
6. e
1. While she was having lunch someone stole her camera
2. He is dirty.He has been repairing cars since morning
3. He is sunburnt.He has been lying in the sun for hours
4. While they were exploring a cave a shark appeared
5. While she was skiing she broke her leg
6. She is tired.She has been working since morning
1. ago
2. for
3. ever
4. never
5. since
6. already
7. yet
8. while
9. when
10. so far
* We haven't gone fishing since last summer
* It's the first time she has eaten Chinese food
* How long is it since he went to Naples?
* We haven't eaten out for a long time
* He hasn;t been to Delhi for 5years
# 'm writing
# came
# are staying
# has been
# have been doing
# have already been
# take
# haven't been
# tried
# was
# was
# were enjoying
* beautiful - ugly
* delicious - tasteless
* fresh -stale
* exciting -dull
* dry- wet
* northern-southern
1. fishing boats
2. palm trees
3. traditional dances
4. cable cars
5. golden beaches
6. a short drive
7. steep roads
8. street actors
1. small-tiny
2. big-huge
3. good -perfect
4. nice -fantastic
5. good -delicious
6. nice -gorgeous
7. nice-colourful
8. good -fantastic
1. see
2. watch
3. look
4. bring
5. take
1. over
2. after
3. out of
4. into
1. on the
A. 1.straw umbrellas
2.bright sun
3.blue sea
4.crashing wakes
5.smell of suntan oil
B. 1.tall green trees
2.leaev rustling
3.birds chirping
4.smell of wet soil
1. false
2. true
3. false
4. false
5. false
6. true
7. true
* You really ought to go black Rock Beach as it is perfect for wind surfing
* Strongly advise you not to swim at sunset Beach as the water as deep
* Te best thing you can do is to go to the island in september as it is less crowded
* It is worth going to cairo as there are many things to see
Unit 5
A .moonlit,moonless,dark,clear,sky,
calm ,stormy,dark,clear,cloudless,
moonlit ,calm, stormy, dark, clear sea
B.snowy,steep,crowded,narrow, empty street
noisy, expensive, empty restaurant
noisy,crowded,narrow, empty, sandy, beach
snowy,steep , tree-covered mountain
pic A- scared,terrifed, frightened,
pic B- annoyed ,angry ,furious
pic C- glad ,thrilled,pleased,delighted
pic D- sad, miserable , depressed
1. frightened
2. bored
3. emberassed
4. surprised
5. miserable
6. nervous
7. angry
8. happy
1. The sun was shining and the birds were singing
2. Bill was watching tv as his wife was getting dressed
3. I was having a bath when my doorball rang
4. I heard a noise in the garden so i went to see what it was
5. He went to bed early last night because he was very tried
A 1.was looking
3.were running
6.were walking
8. realised
9.were starting
B 1.was raining
2.was blowing
3.was walking
7.were getting
C was working
2.was digging
1. He was running fast carrying a big box
2. They were standing at the edge of the cliff admiring the view
3. Ti was watching tv eat
# Bill was watching tv as his wife was getting dressed
# I was having a bath w
3. ating his supper
1.sailing 4.helping 7.crashing
2.enjoying 5.sitiing 8.making
3.blowing 6.talking 9.trying
exercise 13
1.was 5.reached 9.turned
2.was raining 6.had 10.saw
3.was walking 7.seem 11.was wearing
4.were running 8.felt 12.wasi 4.were running 8.felt 12.was
1b The writer sets the scene by describing the weather .He ends the story with a
sudden event and leaaves the reader in suspence
Direct speech: "They've found me "."I can;t get away now" "Oh ,no" This can't be true
2a The writer uses the senses in order to set scene and end the story.He also uses direct speeech
Direct speech : "I don't want to die " "Don;t worry ! Everything will be on "
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Problems of the Planet/Mongolia/
Problems of the Planet/Mongolia/
No human being can stand apart from the environment because each of us is a part of a natural world. We all depend upon our environment and our environment is depending upon us. One of the major problems is the destruction of the rainforests.Trees from the rainforest are used for building houses, making furniture, and providing pulp for paper products, such as newspapers and magazines. Rainforest that was chopped down can grow back over time, but they will never have the same variety of plants and animals they once did. Another big problem is water pollution. It is something we should be concerned about because it's a form of pollution that is ruining many lakes, streams, rivers, and ponds. That's how easy it is to pollute the earth's water. Certain human-made items cause water pollution. These items include soaps, detergents, cleaning sprays, some mouthwashes, and many other things. Oil spills also create massive water pollution. Oil spills are a lot worse than we think. They cause animals to die and require a lot of time and work to clean up. Air pollution is another important. The moment you step out house and on the road you can actually see air getting polluted, a cloud of smoke from the exhaust of a bus and car.So what can you do?
-Switch off the lights and fans each time you leave a room.
-Switch off the lights and fans each time you leave a room.
-Walk or ride a bicycle
-Plant more trees and tend to them too.
In Mongolia there are more than 51,000 motor vehicles in use. The country's air pollution problems are due to increased industrial activity within the country, including the burning of soft coal.
“Street children” is a new problem created during Mongolian. They live on streets or in underground saps.
Every day, people everywhere are doing their bit, from recycling newspapers at home, to developing hydrogen-powered fuel cell cars in a lab. We are finally entering where engineering and technology are making the world a better place. All about green life and problems of our environment. By doing what we can, in protecting and improving our environment we will help and improve the entire world.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Interprise 2
3) 1.Decisive people are those who they make decisions quickly.
2.Bossy people are those who they like telling other people what to do.
3.Energetic people are those who they work very hard and like participating in a lot of activities.
4.Ambitious people are those who they want to be successful in life.
5.Self-centred people are those who they seem to only care about themselves and they sometimes forget about other people`s feelings.
6.Determind people are those who they know what they want and they do allthey can to get it.
7.Careful people are those who people who do their work with a lot of attention and thought.
8.Reserved people are those who dont like sharing things or spending money.
9.Mean people are those who thy dont like sharing things or spending money.
10.Generous people are those who they love giving things to other people and helping them.
11.Intelligent people are those who they understand difficult subject quickly and easily.
12.Sensitive people are those who they get upset easily, so be careful of what you say to them.
4) Positive-funny, caring, imaginative, helpful
Easy going-stubborn, selfish, forgetful, active, loyal, polite
Negative-self, confident, outgoing, rude, cooperative, shy, disorganized, lazy, arrogant
5) 1.Rogar is friendly and(also) caring.
2.John is intelligent.
3.Andrew is stubborn but he can be disorganized.
4.Paul is cooperative.
5.Michael is energetic but he can be bossy.
7) 1.early teens
2.mid thirties
3.mid forties
4.mid twenties
5.late sixties
6.late fifties
11) a.to the gym, shorts, baseball, cap
b.on a trip, flat shoes, waist coat, leggings, trainers
c.to work, tie
d.to a party, evening dress, mini skirt
e.to a reseption suit, polo neck
13)1.casually formally dressed
2.hooked upturned nose
3.dark, bright
4.golden, silky, dark
3. is staying
4.is going to fly
19)1.John is born in Australia. He is 12 years old. He has got short, slim and brown hair. He is friendly and kind. He likes swimming and hates watching tv.
2.Ann is born in Canada. She is 13. She has got fair hair. She is tall and slim. She is generous and caring. She likes playing quitar. She hates watching horror films.
3.Sally is born in Canada. She is 13. She is tall and plum. She has got polite and caring. She likes going to cinema. She hates watching horror films.
4.Steven is born in Autsralia. She is 12. She is short and slim. She has got long brown hair. She is generous and kind. She is watching tv and hates maths.
20)1.My name is Bem Smith and im from England.
2.Im 12 years old.
3.I love sports.
Unit 2
4)1.In her everyday life, Daryl Hannah
d. feels uncomfortable in large, groups of people
2.One of Daryl's outstanding charachteristics is that she
b.is willing to help others.
3.In her free time Daryl enjoys
a.doing creative activities.
4.Daryl wants to build to own home because she
b.cares about the enviroment.
5.the whole article tells us that Daryl Hannah
a.is only happy when she isn`t working.
2.overcome-a.get over
5.find out-d.show
8)1.golden sand
2.to fall in love, somebody
3.in the public eye
4.true love
5.natural beauty
6.to sit in the shadow
7.strong views
8.speak her mind
9)1.star in a film
2.to look fantastic in expensive clothes
3.to believe in something
4.in the countryside
5.to be close something
6.to have strong views on life
10)1.I dont remember her phone number.
2.Julie looks after our children while we are at work.
3.Jane is really looking for her sister wedding.
4.Helen is looking forward to a new house.
11)1.Switzerland is famous for skies.
2.Carl levis is popular with winnig for gold medals in the 1988 olympic games.
3.I popular with to get a letter from John tomorrow.
4.Please popular with me, im almost ready.
13)2.She lives in big house which hear the park.
3.Steven is lawyer whose office in baker street.
4.Claire is a model who has been many fashion shows.
5.Sarah is wearing nice dress which fits her perfectly.
14)1.who is
3.who is
15)b:Sharks is something which eatings fishes.
c: b
3) 1.Decisive people are those who they make decisions quickly.
2.Bossy people are those who they like telling other people what to do.
3.Energetic people are those who they work very hard and like participating in a lot of activities.
4.Ambitious people are those who they want to be successful in life.
5.Self-centred people are those who they seem to only care about themselves and they sometimes forget about other people`s feelings.
6.Determind people are those who they know what they want and they do allthey can to get it.
7.Careful people are those who people who do their work with a lot of attention and thought.
8.Reserved people are those who dont like sharing things or spending money.
9.Mean people are those who thy dont like sharing things or spending money.
10.Generous people are those who they love giving things to other people and helping them.
11.Intelligent people are those who they understand difficult subject quickly and easily.
12.Sensitive people are those who they get upset easily, so be careful of what you say to them.
4) Positive-funny, caring, imaginative, helpful
Easy going-stubborn, selfish, forgetful, active, loyal, polite
Negative-self, confident, outgoing, rude, cooperative, shy, disorganized, lazy, arrogant
5) 1.Rogar is friendly and(also) caring.
2.John is intelligent.
3.Andrew is stubborn but he can be disorganized.
4.Paul is cooperative.
5.Michael is energetic but he can be bossy.
7) 1.early teens
2.mid thirties
3.mid forties
4.mid twenties
5.late sixties
6.late fifties
11) a.to the gym, shorts, baseball, cap
b.on a trip, flat shoes, waist coat, leggings, trainers
c.to work, tie
d.to a party, evening dress, mini skirt
e.to a reseption suit, polo neck
13)1.casually formally dressed
2.hooked upturned nose
3.dark, bright
4.golden, silky, dark
3. is staying
4.is going to fly
19)1.John is born in Australia. He is 12 years old. He has got short, slim and brown hair. He is friendly and kind. He likes swimming and hates watching tv.
2.Ann is born in Canada. She is 13. She has got fair hair. She is tall and slim. She is generous and caring. She likes playing quitar. She hates watching horror films.
3.Sally is born in Canada. She is 13. She is tall and plum. She has got polite and caring. She likes going to cinema. She hates watching horror films.
4.Steven is born in Autsralia. She is 12. She is short and slim. She has got long brown hair. She is generous and kind. She is watching tv and hates maths.
20)1.My name is Bem Smith and im from England.
2.Im 12 years old.
3.I love sports.
Unit 2
4)1.In her everyday life, Daryl Hannah
d. feels uncomfortable in large, groups of people
2.One of Daryl's outstanding charachteristics is that she
b.is willing to help others.
3.In her free time Daryl enjoys
a.doing creative activities.
4.Daryl wants to build to own home because she
b.cares about the enviroment.
5.the whole article tells us that Daryl Hannah
a.is only happy when she isn`t working.
2.overcome-a.get over
5.find out-d.show
8)1.golden sand
2.to fall in love, somebody
3.in the public eye
4.true love
5.natural beauty
6.to sit in the shadow
7.strong views
8.speak her mind
9)1.star in a film
2.to look fantastic in expensive clothes
3.to believe in something
4.in the countryside
5.to be close something
6.to have strong views on life
10)1.I dont remember her phone number.
2.Julie looks after our children while we are at work.
3.Jane is really looking for her sister wedding.
4.Helen is looking forward to a new house.
11)1.Switzerland is famous for skies.
2.Carl levis is popular with winnig for gold medals in the 1988 olympic games.
3.I popular with to get a letter from John tomorrow.
4.Please popular with me, im almost ready.
13)2.She lives in big house which hear the park.
3.Steven is lawyer whose office in baker street.
4.Claire is a model who has been many fashion shows.
5.Sarah is wearing nice dress which fits her perfectly.
14)1.who is
3.who is
15)b:Sharks is something which eatings fishes.
c: b
Friday, October 15, 2010
Future of Mongolia
Can you imagine what our lives will be like in the 2100?

Friends through the internet and electron hand phone. They will have communication and will become polite. Computers will have become polite. Its will have become absolutily essential by 2100.
Education will have change a better. As more and more children will be writing computer programs. There won`t be academic education. Maybe scientists will insert chip in human brain. As more and more future people will be making things we can`t imagine.
Health will have changed a lot of by 2100. People will be growing body parts and we will have invented vaccine for AIDS and CANCER. All doctors will be transferring body parts so personsage will be longer.
Mongolian national food will destroyed in the year 2100. Because globalozation in the world. Most people will be eating ready -made food. A lot of robot will be cooking. You will imagine will be sad and boring to eat food made robots,won`t you?

In the last decade of 20th century -thourism became on of the biggest industry in the world. It can be developed in our country very well we have many beautiful places th travel. We can increase our country by that.
Pollution is something that seems to worry many poeple on the other hand. Pollution levels in cities decrease in the future. Soil pollution will destroy our planet of the action of many people.

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