Thursday, December 9, 2010

1e 2b 3a 4d 5c
1 a country lane
2 pouring rain
3 to turn the key
4 wrinkled cheeks
5 to take a sip of coffee
6 china cups
7 he introduced himself
8 a crash of thunder
9 lightning flashed
10 to ring the bell
1 broke out
2 break up
3 broke down
4 broke into
1 creaked
2 crackling
3 whispered
4 glanced
5 stared
1 out
2 to
3 to
4 in
5 at,in
6 with
7 in
8 of
1 she had been crying.
2 He had been working in the hardly.
3 He had been falling in the river.
4 He had been tired.
5 He had been running.
6 She had been cold.
1 had got, prepared
2 took, had worked
3 was, had ever seen
4 entered, had noticed, drew
5 had finished, called
6 had arrived, left
7 had been traveling, decided
8 was, had turned on
1 as 2 as soon as 3 until 4 before 5 seconds later 6 a few hours late
1 apply for
2 retire
3 pensioner
4 teased
5 promotion
6 employees
7 seeking
1c 2d 3b 4a
1 will
2 am going to
3 will
4 am going to
5 will
1After we sit our exams, we will go on holiday.
2 I will ring you when i get to the airport.
3 By the time I retire, I will be very rich.
4 If your parents will come, give them this letter, please.
5 when will you know your holiday dates?
6 Turn off the lights before you go to bed.
7 Buy me a newspaper when you go out please.
If I get a promotion , I will buy a new car.
If I get a promotion, I will go on a cruise.
If I get a promotion, I will move to a bigger house.
If I get a promotion, I will buy some new clothes.
If I get a promotion , I will have a party.
1 unless-e
2 if-a
3 unless-d
4 unless-c
5 if-f
6 if-b
1 If i run into traffic I will be late my work.
2 If i don't pass my exams , I will be work.
1 to give
2 to commit
3 to end
4 a military
5 a supernatural
6 lost
7 to ride
8 to rush
9 royal
10 to spare
1 realize
2 drop
3 hear
4 fell
5 listen
6 understand
1 said
2 told
3 told
4 said
1 The doctor that he had been seeing patients all morning.
2 The boy told his mother he had forgot to walk the dog.
3 Graig told his wife he wouldn't go out tonight.
4 The man told that he was looking for a new job.
5 He told me he had just finished his homework.
6 The boss told had he need another secretary.
1 What you want to eat? Fred asked.
2 His friend is waiting for him Ann said to Frank.
3 I have paid the bill the mr Jones said.
4 I haven't bought a new dress yet Helen said to Janet.
5 Would you help me with my homework? Sue asked.

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